Advogato 6 October 2000

6 Oct 2000 »

Bought Baldurs Gate II. There goes what remained of my spare time.

auDA continues to soak time. eu* is remarkably monopolistic.

SAGE-AU is giving me connipitions. However, we’re finally kicking goals! The bad news is that I need to get my friend Luke to recommit to being a board member.


Working on porting cvsup to NetBSD/alpha so I can keep up with the tree now that I need to keep on eye on my total download usage. Modula-3 is a nice enough language, but I wish it were properly integrated into the gcc backend so I didn’t have to port it.

Getting XFree86 4.0.1++ real close to working on NetBSD/alpha as modular server. Linking everything is getting closer, and there’s fewer compilation warnings.


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