29 Nov 2000 ยป
One of the lucky 60,000 Australians to have bought a PlayStation 2. I’m going to have serious tekken thumb tomorrow. ๐
mrorganic: agreed. Check out talk.origins. It’s very useful if you’re into combatting silliness, whilst demonstrating that we are open to new ideas as they arise. That’s what shits me about creationists. They claim we are closed minded. Well, yes, about creationism I certainly am closed minded – there is NO evidence to back it up, and usally creationists are aiming to teach creationism alongside accepted theories. As new things come up in biology and related fields, as long as there is repeatable experiments with the scientific method being used, or hard evidence to back it up, I’ll take it on board. Creationism fails both measures.
gstein: agreed. Unless I personally helped start or did a shitload of work, I always feel uncomfortable putting anything other than “contributor” or “developer” on my associations with projects.
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