26 Dec 2000 (updated 26 Dec 2000) »
schoen: HHGTG
Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, in Java.
Enjoy poetry only works in certain places.
I think my mum is losing it. People shouldn’t retire unless they have something to do.
Not good.
Paper is being worked upon. Very late, 6 pages and counting, and I still don’t like it.
My cats are both outside and being fed by various people. I wonder what my little furry ones will think of me when I get back.
I’ve been affected by insomnia since my uni days (about 12 years now). I need about 3-4 hours sleep every night and I feel crap when I manage this amount. Mostly I sleep 4-6 hours most nights, getting to sleep around 2 or 3 am and arising at 8 for 8.30 am. I’m doing this cycle as I type, and haven’t had more than 5 hours of sleep per day since Saturday (it’s now Wednesday morning).
Occasionally, I sleep 10+ hours when my body can’t take it anymore. This is usually on the weekends, but recently I slept in for the first time in a very long time on a work day. I got up at 10.45 am, and went directly to the Christmas party. Not good.
That wasn’t the first time that I thought of getting some drugs to manage sleep, but bugger that. I’ve tried all the tricks: various alcohol “nightcaps”, exercise before bed, chamomile tea, setting the alarm for 5.30 am (through to 7 am), going to bed only when I am tired, getting out of it as soon as I wake. You name it – if it didn’t involve prescription drugs, I’ve done it. Getting up as soon as I arise for the first time (if you have cats, you know that the little buggers love to wake about anywhere from 4 am til 6 am and nudge you or put a paw on your nose or crawl under the bedsheets; to me that wake up nudge is not a real wake up) doesn’t work either – I just end up being real tired the entire day through.
After turning 30, I decided to forget all about the sleep issue. I don’t really miss that extra 2-3 hours, and I get to read a whole lot more, I usually recuperate on the weekends. I’ll manage.
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