Advogato – got my Win2K MCSE

12 Dec 2000 »

I’m a Win2K MCSE after passing my final MCP exam. Woohoo.

That last exam was Designing Network Infrastructure, which funnily enough is what I do for a living. I do network security architecture on a first-world country scale. I am currently working on a project that will re-engineer how my telco client communicates internally and externally. Their network is larger than most third-world countries’ networks, and supports approximately 40% of Australia’s data and voice traffic. So you can see that I sort of know what I’m doing there. So when I sit down to do this MCP exam, I was fairly surprised to see that it SUCKED. I’m almost ashamed to have a MCSE out of this.

The marchictecture was unavoidable, the “best” answer and all of the alternatives in several questions were just plain wrong. They gave marks for answering certain select and place questions that were fundamentally flawed, or ignored industry best practice with respect to security implementation. They ignored timing in several places, where the correct answer in some cases was not even possible to select. Sometimes the “correct” answer is lots of servers, when in fact, I know that capacity planning and hard earned knowledge of large data networks says that 2 or 3 is about right for most applications and then you add some when you need more, not just because you might have 12 sites that *might* need a particular type of server.

I’m going to write to the MS traincert guys to get that exam pulled ASAP. It’s just not a credible test of networking infrastructure know-how, not even if you were doing smaller-scale work like a Uni campus rejig.


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