Advogato – 11 February 2001

11 Feb 2001 (updated 11 Feb 2001) »


Can’t get near my machine at the moment; Dan is going through major geekiness phase, and it’s sort of aggravating. I need to free up my Dell for me.

Programmers == HCI morons

Tried to do what I thought was a very simple thing: find a program to thumbnail a set of images in a folder which has sub-folders. All the programs I’ve looked at suck, and have truly, monumentally fucked up interfaces. If there’s any doubt that programmers as a rule should never be let anywhere near a program’s HCI bits, it’s HTML thumbnail generators. The dudes who wrote thortor, thumb, and VikarPlus Photo Gallery should be ashamed. Not only did they not work, they couldn’t seemingly do the simple things, like add a folder and its contents. Vikar PG had the temerity to generate a set of files for the thumbnails that was significantly larger than the original images, which sort of defeats the purpose of thumbnails, no?

So I’m going to write my own. Expect this to be abandoned at 5.36 pm on Tuesday.

Highlander III: the apology

This is one sad movie. No wonder it’s on at 11 pm on a Sunday night. Awful. And I though #2 was bad…

The alternatives were to drive back the way I came, or via Canberra. Went via Canberra. Excellent fang. I think it’s out of me now. Drove around inner city Canberra for twenty minutes trying to find a petrol station (Echo’s have to be filled occasionally, and mine was approaching 500 km). None really, so pottered off to the Hume highway. Got petrol at Goulbourn, 630 km from my starting point, whilst still having about 10 litres left (about 140 km to spare). I love fuel efficiency.

Drove home from Goulbourn, eventually crawling into my driveway at 3 am to share my bed with two damp and hungry little felines.

Sunday was a complete waste. I was going to spend some time working with Reiserfs and my secret project for it on my Alpha, but since I slept in until 3 pm old time (2 pm non-DST time), I decided to rip through Crytonomicon instead. Good choice. Tried seeing the Insider but not on any more. Bad. Went to Burger King to make up for the loss.


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