20 Feb 2001 (updated 20 Feb 2001) ยป
washing cats: like herding just more painful
dirtyrat, mixing Meebles and water forms an emulsion, albeit one that fights back with very sharp claws and teeth, and he doesn’t take prisoners.
But from time to time, Meebles sleeps under Ang’s (old) car, and gets oil on his fur. The choices are:
try to wash him
wait for him to lick the oil off then get sick
take to the vet, and let the vet wash him
Guess which option I use? ๐
sad, I’d forgotten about the loud purring. Kittens have precisely one purr volume setting: 11. Luckily, they seem to get a bit more control as they get older.
I’m getting another Alpha this Friday night: looking forward to that, so I can start porting XFree86 4.0.x to it. It comes with a 21″ monitor. I hope it has enough RAM.
nooks: NDAs
NDAs aren’t necessarily bad, they’re just evil. However, it does get you nice toys and I get to fix things before you folks get to moan about it.
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