Advogato – VNC 4.0 draft protocol and hacking on pbcs

15 Oct 2001 »

It’s been an awful long time.

Been working on pbcs, a calendaring solution for work. It’s cool to be paid to hack on free software.

Been working on a RFC draft for the VNC RFB 4.0 protocol. Almost done – just requires a little more attention to detail and then it’s out in the open. The new features will knock your socks off, and includes stuff like SRP for authentication, complelety orthagonal, low overhead, low latency, completely optional features, including all the unofficial ones.

Been working on pnm2ppa NG for a bit, but I can’t get back into it for some reason.


Not in order:

Bought a new Turbo Beetle – excellent! Bought land. Almost bought a house, and I’m working through a new one. Moved back to Melbourne (ahhhh).


2 responses to “Advogato – VNC 4.0 draft protocol and hacking on pbcs”

  1. Daniel Avatar

    Hi, I happened to come upon your blog in a google search for information on the RFB 4.0 protocol. I have developed a VNC server and I would like to support the new protocol.

    Could you provide documentation for it? Even if its not perfect, it would be greatly appreciated.


  2. vanderaj Avatar

    I abandoned this work a long time ago and its far from complete. AFAIK, there’s no RFB 4.0 implementations.

    I’ll try and dig it up and send it to you if I find it.


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