[ Mon Apr 07, 11:17:49 PM | Andrew van der Stock | edit ]
I love coming home at night. The Westgate has a panoramic view of the western suburbs, and it looks like you’re flying…
Learnt tonight that a friend has broken up with her partner of many years. These things happen. Hope they both get back on their feet soon.
[ Tue Mar 18, 03:38:18 PM | Andrew van der Stock | edit ]
Looking through my web logs, and I notice the kitty chasing domokun image is the most heavily linked image on my site.
The range of forums and what not that link to it are amazing. One of the funniest is panterachat.com. I went and read the thread where it is linked, and the topic is masturbation, which is fair enough, considering the image’s message. 🙂 The messages are fairly low end humor sorta funny, particularly one about a guy who wanked 18 times in a day and ended up bleeding. All the avatars are really cool and I thought, maybe this is a cool goth web site. But no, it’s a forum on the 80’s heavy metal band Pantera. Most of their members seem to be homophobic racist rednecks… Sad really.
[ Tue Feb 25, 10:42:06 PM | Andrew van der Stock | edit ]
Drove home tonight as the terminator was descending over the freeway, with the sun a large red mirage ahead like you see in the movies, descending rapidly into clouds. It was like watching a real life Powaqqatsi, without the fantastic music. One second, long shadows for all, the next, dusk.
Been thinking too much recently and not getting enough sleep.
[ Mon Feb 03, 12:49:58 AM | Andrew van der Stock | edit ]
Another sad day for the space program. I have a funny feeling this might be one of the last times we ever see the Shuttle fly. With so little real telemetry during the radio blackout, it’s going to be next to impossible to determine an actual cause, although I’m sure they’ll find someone or something to blame. Hopefully, they’ll bring forward the Shuttle replacement program.
I think accidents like the Columbia shuttle disaster (and the Sydney train accident last week) bring home how little time we really have on this excellent little blue planet. Life is definitely for living and I plan to party hard until I drop.
In that vein, I had a great day out with Luke and Inger and Brendan. We went up to the Dandenongs and had afternoon tea at our favorite cafe, Churinga, which was nearly completely empty. Totally weird as today was such a nice day, warm without being hot, sunny without being harsh. I think the red haze from the smoke had something to do with the gentleness of the sun. The rainforest areas up in the hills were nice and cool, which is always a blessing on hot days.
Still no news on the snakes.
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