We’ve got a bleeder!

My sebacious cyst finally got the better of me.

I had it “dealt” with this morning by three doctors with roughly a year’s experience between them. I showed up at the hospital bright and definitely far too early. I was shown in pretty promptly, which is cool – I took along a book expecting to be all day.

Then the needle came. Strangely enough, although I am a complete wuss when it comes to needles, I couldn’t feel it. Either the pain from the neck was so intense that the needle was lost in the noise, or the skin is dead.

After a bit of slicing and dicing, they started squeezing. Imagine a huge whitehead and six sets of fingers all going for the same thing. About an hour, some nitrous oxide gas, and many bloody gauze swabs later, it was significantly smaller. The pain was extraordinary.

At one stage after an extra incision, all hell broke loose – the pus / blood started coursing down my neck and torso and they pressed real hard on my neck. I could almost hear them thinking “whoops!”.

I now have a 2cm slice (no stitches) in my neck, and it hurts to look left or right or up or down. Although I feel like someone has torn me a new hole in the side of my neck, it’s so much less painful than before.

I hope I never have to do this again.


8 responses to “We’ve got a bleeder!”

  1. inger Avatar

    all I can say is…ewww!

  2. Chuckularone Avatar

    “three doctors with roughly a year’s experience between them” – I think I’ve met them.

  3. jan Avatar

    i have a lump on the back of my head, doctors said it,s a sebacious cyst ,, leave it alone , dont play with it,,, but it feels sore,,,,i,d like to have it removed , but from what i understand what you went through, ewwwwwwwwww , ouch , what do you think???

  4. cas Avatar

    I have had a sebacious cyst removed from my back. I had it removed even though it wasn’t troubling me. It wasn’t a bad experience at all. They gave me a local and I couldn’t feel pain at all. It must be worse if it is inflamed or infected. Which is why i’m worried – I have another on my back that is red and sore – figured I’d better take care of it before it incapacitates me. But if your cyst is not infected – I think the surgery is much better. Took less than an hour to get in and out.

  5. riz Avatar

    i have sebacious cyst in my neck and it is infected, i got an appointment for surgery but i changed my mind, i just asked for antibiotic to fight infection and ease the pain. Well, i really wanted to remove it but maybe if i got enough strength to face the needle, i would ask for another schedule..

  6. ns Avatar

    my cyst went across my spine in the mid back it was there for years then got infected in april, went to the Emergency room and got it incised and packed, the incision went across the width of my spine was unbelievably painful, I waited too long to get it looked at and didn’t take it seriously enough now I’ve had it incised because it was abscessed again and 3 wks after it was incised it was cauterized because of ‘overzealous healing’ it’s still puffy,
    take your health and comfort seriously listen to medical preofessionals

  7. ns Avatar

    after the cyst on my back had repeatedly gotten infected for 5 months of abscessing/drained/incised my doctor thought it was time to remove the cyst, I’m allergic to anesthesia and I had to be awake for the surgery that was done in his office it took almost 3 hours because the cyst incision was 5 inches wide and the cut was 5 inches deep I have internal stitches I only know how deep the cut is because I seen the ‘drain’ a plastic tube that was left in my back for 3 days the cyst could grow back if It does I’ll act faster next time and get it checked out and hopefully get it removed while it’s less than 5 inches deep,

  8. sara Avatar

    so i just found out that i have an inflamed/infected cyst on the top of my head. i’ve had for as long as i could remember and never asked a doctor about it…and now that i’m away from home, at university..it decides to act up! so today i went to the hospital and got it looked at and i’m on antibiotics for a week with a check up on thursday. i don’t really wanna go under the knife, but if it’s best and will take away the pain…i’ll do it! wish me luck!

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