Not too bad… and I have a pass

Well, I went to the Werribee meeting tonight and it’s full of hotties. Seriously. Scrubber count: 0.

The leader was nice lady who reminded me of a woman I worked with in Westpac called Wendy. It’s in a nice newly re-painted room hanging off a community center.

Guess what? The free join thingy is on again. We missed by like three weeks. I have a free joining voucher if anyone has any friends who can use it. I also have a “get out of weighing” card. Just the one. The idea is that for a limited number of times a year if you’ve been bad. The idea is that you face the music anyway, but it gives you relief if you have been bad and it doesn’t go on your record.

Downside of this meeting location: it’s in Werribee, and it’s even further away from Melbourne than any meeting I’ve done in Victoria so far.

So news: I’ve put on 0.1 kg. I weighed with change and everything, so it could be that this is actually a zero loss, but it’s still not a loss, so I’m bad. Need to work less hours, and eat less crap, and get out in the garden.

Monica needs to lose 10 kg, by the way. I need to lose another 57.

See you all Monday.


2 responses to “Not too bad… and I have a pass”

  1. inger Avatar

    Donna will want that free joining card on Monday night if it is still free. Unless you are joining officially monica? Go on – then we have quality of gender…at least in numbers

  2. Jacques Kosky Avatar
    Jacques Kosky

    Hey Andrew
    Can i snag that free pass off you? I have a friend who is thinking of rejoining WW.

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