There’s a couple of roundabouts near where I live. Nearly every week one of the <<< signs on one of the roundabouts is cleaned up and a new set of fresh tyre marks lead off into the dust. VicRoads dutifully comes back and either bashes it back up with a sledgehammer or puts in a new one. The current one going towards my place is nearly holding a record of three weeks without being flattened. The little one in the middle of the roundabout going the other way has been flattened for the second time this week. However, I was driving to work this morning and saw a new victim - The Really Crap Drivers of the West(tm) have really excelled themselves. One of them took out a very tall light pole. Sheared it completely off at the base and buggered both large lights at the top of the pole, with one of them completely separate. That must have hurt. I wonder why this particular roundabout is the cause of so many accidents with the scenery. Andrew
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