Hey Inger,
It is worth it. It is is hard, but it is worth it. Even though I had a bad week last week, I have had to get an extra couple of holes punched in my new belt that I got for Xmas. I have to get organized and do my measurements. How would ppl feel if I brought along a tape measure to the meeting on Monday?
And, if you are doubting that it’s worth it, then head out an have a really really rich oily meal. Last time on WW, I felt this way, and I did this (I think it was a Whopper[0] and chips or some such thing) and I found that i couldn’t finish it. Yuck-o. I could taste the oil and the fat, blurgh And this wasn’t some Captain Haddock like battle of the consciences, either, this was just, yuck, this is *not* as enjoyable as some of the meals I have been having on WW.
Tell you what, Inger. Keep up with it, and when there is at least one article of clothing that you have to get rid of as it is now too big, let us know, and we’ll have a bonfire somewhere.
We had the Book 4 chicken breast filled with spinach and parmesan cheese earlier this week, and it ROCKS.
[0] Why did they name a hamburger after Page 3 girls anyway??? [or was it the other way around?]
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