In response to an email Paul sent me today – so far so good on the by the book week. I cooked the turkish pizza from book four which was delicous by the way, although I precooked the topping in a non stick frypan so it wasn’t crunchy. Raw onions are never good for the blackford family…. 6.5 points and I struggled to finish it. Last night I did singapore noodles which were from an old ww cookbook. Even B thought they were fantastic and insisted on trying to eat them with chopsticks like us – very funny. Doing a stirfry with only a spray of oil is difficult but not impossible.
I have noted every single point, even nibbles off things that I am serving Brendan and it is amazing how they add up over the course of a day. I reckon this is where I have been fudging facts more then anything else. A previous ww leader suggested that instead of eating those ‘point free’ nibbles you put whatever it is in a container in the fridge and watch how much you accumulate over the week. I did this once and it was pretty shocking how much food was slipping in under the radar.
I have also walked everyday for at least an hour and a half because B is stroppy when confined indoors and I figure I might as well take advantage of it.
I will be pretty peeved if I don’t lose at least 1 kg this week…
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