
Had to have a hearty think about the 1.2 kg gain I made last night. Although I had been through with my points I noticed that I hadn’t filled in my book completely for the last 2 days. I could have had a few ‘under the bar’ extra points without being overly concious of it if I don’t write it down I find I underestimate in retrospect.

This could relate to your problem too paul? Either that or the menus for that week were stiffed!

I have been suprised to keep losing weight in the preceeding weeks. There had been drinking and chocolate incidents that somehow didn’t show up on the scales so I reckon I was due some payback…still 1.2 kgs felt really harsh!

So this week I am being ultra cautious, hence the zero point vege soup I am cooking as a snack instead of rice crackers and cottage cheese. I am also going to pull my points down to 20 per day and up the exercise and see how I go.


2 responses to “gaining”

  1. Andrew Avatar

    I think the main problem with the gains (as I had two weeks of minor / no weight loss), is undereating / over-exercising. On the week where I gained 0.1 over the previous, I had actually done HEAPS of exercise.

    I think we should take measurements. I’m sure it’s coming off. My pants are starting to feel relaxed,


  2. A six foot non flat nosed geezer Avatar
    A six foot non flat nosed geezer

    Yeah. Last time Cathi did WW, it was impressed on her group that the points are there fore a reason, and unless there’s a specific purpose for underusing points (such as a wedding on the weekend), then one should not.

    Interestingly, Nicole is saying that this current program does not seem to be taking off the kgs as well as the previous one…

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