Last night, Cathi and I went out to this excellent Japanese hole-in-the-wall in the city. We figured the points on those dishes. Then, we went to a cocktail bar recommended by fellow WW Nicole in Fitzroy. Would be interested in points estimates for the following cocktail (“Smoke and a pancake”)
Frangelico, creme de something, cream, plus crushed ice and possibly a few other goodies, I think gin or wodka. Then, get some rich dark chocolate mousse, and roll it up in a crepe. Then, place the crepe with mousse into the cocktail to let it soak in. YUM. A day’s worth of taste bud exhilaration anyway!
My choice was a little less extreme: wodka, dark chocolate with caramelised sugar dropped in, on ice, layered under cream, and classily served in a Boag’s beer glass.
After that, we found this highly seedy pool hall where we played a few frames, and were probably lucky not to see at least one murder or drug deal go down. Anyway, estimates on the points by those better booked than yours truly would be appreciated! Also, how many bonus points does pool get you? More than a ride on mower???
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