Theory on kilogram kounting

I have been thinking about weight, weighing in, etc. I reckon that losing 0.3 to 0.5 kg a week is a reasonable effort. Last night, I weighed my wallet and keys, which sometimes I have taken out, sometimes I have left in: 0.425 kg. Clothing differences (eg shorts and T-shirt vs full body armour) would have variations as well. Other than the first week (when I got charged with pub(l)ic indecency) I have made an effort to be consistent about the clothes I wear, but as the weather changes, this may not be feasible.

My theory is this: weigh in every week, but compare your weight to what you weighed in at four weeks earlier, not the previous week. This will give you a good idea of how you are trending, and there is enough scope in there for weight loss (typically 1.2 – 2.0 kg) to cover any clothing differences for the week. Then make this a rolling four week comparison (eg week 5 comapre to week 1, week 6 cf Week 2, etc).

Thoughts? Or am I way off the mark here?


3 responses to “Theory on kilogram kounting”

  1. ing Avatar

    Well, gut busters only ever measure your proportions – which is the only important thing when you think about it. We really want to fit comfortably into clothes and look better. Weighing is not an accurate way to judge that, it is just a guide like you say. It means *something* is happening at least 🙂

  2. Jacques Kosky Avatar
    Jacques Kosky

    Hey Paul
    Wasnt the public indecency charge dropped due to lack of evidence?

  3. A six foot non flat nosed geezer Avatar
    A six foot non flat nosed geezer

    No Mr K; everyone was so shocked that they thought there was no evidence… hypnotherapy revealed the truth later.

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