
This is this morning’s weight, without much trying. Coupled with the planned blitz on the garden next weekend, I should be a shoe in for a weight loss.

I gained 0.6 last week though. I don’t believe those scales as my own weighing has been pretty consistent. I think I will stick to the left hand scales, not the right.


3 responses to “129.5”

  1. A six foot non flat nosed geezer Avatar
    A six foot non flat nosed geezer

    Well, I went up 0.2 last week on the third set of scales I’ve used since going there. The left hand scales weighed lighter than the original set by ~0.2/115 (which is a pretty small error).

    FWIW, the scales we have at home, calibrated to zero, have me weigh in, sans clothes, at 105. According to WW scales, I’m coming in at ~109. Assume 2 kg for clothes, keys, etc., that’s an error of 2/110 (ie an order of magnitude greater than between the WW scales).

    Well done Nodster, for dropping below the 130 mark!

  2. inger Avatar

    I’m still sticking with my theory of a small localised gravity field

  3. Jacques Gastonomic Theme Park Kosky Avatar
    Jacques Gastonomic Theme Park Kosky

    Heres mine
    wk 1 11.0
    wk2 107.8
    wk 3 107
    wk4 106.4
    wk5 106.3
    wk6 104.8
    wk 7 104.3
    wk8 103.2

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