And in the grand tradition of Inger tracking….

I gained weight! only 0.4kgs but still…. I am going to keep tracking here though, I think it helps.

2 x raisen toast and lf spread 4
coffee and milk/sugar 1
pasta with bacon matriciana (yum) homemade 8
home made fried rice x 2 cups (one before weigh in and one after) 6
1 x glass of red wine.

total 20 points

again no fruit 🙁 I plan to start my fruit plan tomorrow. I am going to measure out the amount on a plate and make sure it is eaten by the end of the day.

I am going around to a friend’s place to check out her new baby tomorrow. I am going to take around some morning tea and lunch. I thought I would take a fruit platter, some rice crackers and make this delicious salmon and ricotta dip that my step mother made on the weekend.

Can you think of any other good ‘breast feeding foods’ that I should take Paul? Seeing as how I was one of those e-ville bottle feeders I don’t have a clue 🙂


2 responses to “And in the grand tradition of Inger tracking….”

  1. A six foot non flat nosed geezer Avatar
    A six foot non flat nosed geezer

    Important for breastfeeding purposes that a fair amount of whole milk (ie not low or no fat) is consumed.

    For lower points and more food on the fruit platter, berries are best. Kiwi fruit, banana, mango if you can find it, and some berries liberally spread on the platter should be very nice.

  2. inger the binger Avatar
    inger the binger

    thanks Paul. The fruit patter was lovely, we had to work hard to stop B from eating it all. Obviously my fruit phobia has not spread. I have actually managed 2 serves of fruit today and you know – it really does stop you feeling so hungry.

    btw – baby was very cute. I don’t miss those really newborn days though. Miscka is only 2 weeks old and during a nappy change managed to shit *everywhere* in that appalling newborn way 🙂 . Like a little fart grenade. Don’t miss it at all.

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