Wow, I worked out the UniHouse committee lunch yesterday. 30.5 points for the day, so 5.5 over my limit. And they were bad points; lots of sugar.
To try and compensate, I headed out to the wilds of Curtain Square at 9:30last night and did the TCC empty hand form. JK — any idea how many points the full form (in an embarrassingly rusty manner and fast 22 mins) is worth?
The wildlife, so late at night, yet in an inner Melbourne suburb, was fascinating. There were bats flying around, possums screechng and scampering, and an amazing cat fight on the roof of a house opposite the park. It was fantastic. Then the the other wildlife appeared:
“Maaate, where’s my cigarettes?”
“Dunno maaaaate, maybe Omar’s got them”
“Fucken Omar, he’s fucken pissed off back to Snalbans.”
“He’s got my fucken cigarettes.”
“Oh, fuck!”
“He’s got my fucken lighter as well.”
“But you don’t have any fucken cigarettes, ya dumb c***.”
“So, who gives a fuck if he’s got your fucken lighter?”
“Omar’s a fucken thieving c***.”
All class, really. I was aiting for them to come up and annoy me, but they didn’t. After the character assassination of poor Omar, they left in a typical screech of tyres in a noisy car. The interesting thing was that the four legged and/or winged wildlife came back a matter of 30 seconds after Omar’s former friends left the park.
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