How many points is cough syrup

Well, I am in Leeton NSW. Eating okay, but I could do better I suppose. Last night had a thai chicken thingy with green vegies which was yummie and prob. not too high in fat.

The problem is that I am taking cough syrup to suppress a nasty hacking cough I have. guess what? No food information panel! I know it contains sucrose and alchohol, but I need to count this thing properly.

I’m doing about 3 x 10 ml shots a day and have done so since yesterday afternoon. Before that I was eating Blackberry Soother lozenges at the rate of about a packet per day. I’ve given up on them as they don’t work. But not before eating three packets.

I am getting exercise though – I am walking to my client so I’m getting about 30 mins of light exercise a day. I’m not using these bonus points.


So far today…

apple juice 250 ml 2
2 slices raisin toast with 1 tsp of marg 5
muesli and 150 ml of milk 3 + 3 = 6
1 shot of cough syrup ???
black coffee
1 biscuit 1
warm chicken salad 5

today so far: 19 points

I’m going to the RSL for dinner. I hope I scrape in.


2 responses to “How many points is cough syrup”

  1. inger the binger Avatar
    inger the binger

    I feel your pain. I too have the hacking cough of doom. I feel like I am going to barf up a lung each time I go into a paroxysm. I haven’t taken anything for it though.

  2. A Painful Burning Sensation Avatar
    A Painful Burning Sensation

    I would guess that the kj count is high, but fat non-existent in cough mixture. I guess 1 point per shot. has a recipe for a DIY cough mixture, complete with nutriotional information

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