I have checked on a couple of onlime BMI calcs, and I am now no longer obese! Yay! For info, here’s a list of the English language categories for each range of the BMI:
51-60 Morbidly Obese
40-50 Obese
38-39 Clinically Obese
35-37 Grossly Overweight
33-35 Overweight
32 Chubby
31 Big boned
29-30 Carrying a Bit
27-28 Fat
26 Nearly at size 8
20-25 Average
24 A bit below average
21-23 Underweight
16-19 Skinny
12-15 Clinically Underweight
11 Bony
10 Princess Diana before she was kidnapped by a Chinese submarine
in a French motorway tunnel
6-9 $200 a day habit
<6 Kate Moss
Oh yeah, I nearly forgot:
61+ Black Hole
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