take the (nearly skinhead) bowling

Today I did much better – even got all my fruit down! I had a moment at 3:30pm where I thought – “hmmm. snackie cakes” but then remembered my banana and had that instead. This got me through until teatime at 7pm and I didn’t snack while I made dinner either.

I think I might be a convert to this fruit thing. We’ll see how it goes on the scales though….

Don’t know if everyone is reading the comments on J’s post about a below 100kg party and going bowling. So far it is looking like Sunday is the most likely day and bowling in the evening. Since J has yoga (your fitness regimen astounds me Jacques!) at 4:30pm how does 7pm suit? Either Crown or Melb central have the facilities.

My food diary is in the extended bit for those that can be bothered>

egg 1
toast 1
coffee 1
lentil soup (no anything bad according to the waiter. I only ate half just in case) 3
slice of toasted turkish bread (yum) 3
banana (yay!) 1
grapes (yay!) 1
lentil shepards pie with potato and cheese topping 8
melon (yay!) 1

total 20pts (-2 off for yesterday. more deductions planned tomorrow)

For those of you who are wondering at the legume consumption, I have a lentil hardened constitution so two serves in one day is not a problem!


2 responses to “take the (nearly skinhead) bowling”

  1. Jacques Jacques Calorie Amusement Park. Avatar
    Jacques Jacques Calorie Amusement Park.

    7pm is good for me. I would prefer bowling in Melb central.

  2. rory Avatar

    Hi Ing
    Hate to burst the bubble but in the new ww books eggs are one and a half points. Also, two-thirds of a cup (rather than a full cup) of rice is 2.5 points. Better get a new copy today – though I must admit I too follow the old points system…

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