Hey good one Andrew. I am worried about your sugar free gum habit though 😉
I am noticing that I don’t eat fruit. I don’t hate it – I just find it boring. I wonder if this is a problem? Any thoughts?
one egg, poached 1
piece of toast, no butter with vegemite 1
coffee (milk and sugar) 1
.5 ish cup of rice 2
chicken curry 5 (rather disgusting, I didn’t finish it. I checked before I ordered that it was not cooked in coconut milk or with ghee. They are obviously what usually makes bought chicken curry worth eating…)
homecooked mac and cheese, WW style 8
total: 18
Under today to make up for the bit of overclocking on Tuesday. Though I might have 20gs of m and ms if I can find them later, with a cup of tea.
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