the daily scare report

Hey good one Andrew. I am worried about your sugar free gum habit though 😉

I am noticing that I don’t eat fruit. I don’t hate it – I just find it boring. I wonder if this is a problem? Any thoughts?

one egg, poached 1
piece of toast, no butter with vegemite 1
coffee (milk and sugar) 1
.5 ish cup of rice 2
chicken curry 5 (rather disgusting, I didn’t finish it. I checked before I ordered that it was not cooked in coconut milk or with ghee. They are obviously what usually makes bought chicken curry worth eating…)
homecooked mac and cheese, WW style 8

total: 18

Under today to make up for the bit of overclocking on Tuesday. Though I might have 20gs of m and ms if I can find them later, with a cup of tea.


One response to “the daily scare report”

  1. A six foot non flat nosed geezer Avatar
    A six foot non flat nosed geezer

    Fruit is good. I don’t find it boring, but then I find lots of interesting fruit at the market. Apples come in at least ten varieties, and they are quite different, from the tartness of Granny Smiths, through to the sweet bursts of Pink Lady. Watermelon is refreshing on hot days; I eat that instead of a glass of water. Rockmelon is also good, and honeydew is beautiful. I medium banana is one point allegedly (Cathi and I think 1.5), and they are really filling and quite tasty. Mandarins, Kiwi fuit, oranges, pineapple; all taste different, and can be used in a variety of ways. Then, of course, there are the berries. 🙂

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