
Quote from an article:

“According to Stanford the virus has been spreading with alarming speed internationally, and has already caused significant damage. The advanced heuristics featured by NOD32 act like artificial intelligence and detect the activities of this virus. Consequently NOD32, which also picked up 90 percent of the recent Bagle and Netsky viruses before patches were developed, protects users against this latest strain even without any update.”

NOD32. Is this the 32 bit implementation of Noddy??? 😉



4 responses to “Wow”

  1. Jacques Kosky Avatar
    Jacques Kosky

    Yep it is. But to give credit where it is due he did diet down from a 64 bit implementation. Now he isnt even a FAT32.

  2. inger, wife of geek but not one Avatar
    inger, wife of geek but not one

    oh, that hurts. I am scared that I actually got the joke though.

  3. Andrew Avatar

    I wish I was 36 bit, like the old CDC Cybers.

  4. A six foot non flat nosed geezer Avatar
    A six foot non flat nosed geezer

    Actually, Nod, you’re about like our High Performance Perihperal Interconnect we use on the vector machine here: HiPPI!


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