Bonus Point query

How many BPs do you earn for a bout of gastro? 🙁 I’ve had a total of four points today, and am having trouble even keeping water down.

At least I might crack the double figures on Monday now :-\



4 responses to “Bonus Point query”

  1. inger Avatar

    Did you pick up a skanky daycare virus? I think there is one going around, B has had some *appalling* nappies ….

    Having long experience of this now (about 5 bouts of it since B went into baby jail) I can say that for me I tend to find that the small extra weight loss is usually offset by a bit of a rebound factor when you get better. I think you really have to watch what you eat when you get back to food in order to not let this happen. It probably results from my “I have 30 bonus points now!” mentality more then anything else 🙂

  2. Jacques "Calorie Amusement Park" Kosky Avatar
    Jacques “Calorie Amusement Park” Kosky

    Yep I agree with Inger. I think the rebound effect more than cancels it out.

    Plus i dont think you actually lose that much from gastro since the food still goes through your system faster or to quote the author of the discworld series:
    “Quicker than chicken vindaloo through a short grandmother”

    Wisdom for today
    “Give a man fire, and he’ll be warm for a day; set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.”

  3. A Painful Burning Sensation Avatar
    A Painful Burning Sensation

    I suspect that most of the rebound factor comes from dehydration, and I’m struggling through water to keep the hydration levels up. I’ve managed avbout one litre of water today…

  4. Jacques "I was a librarian once" Kosky Avatar
    Jacques “I was a librarian once” Kosky

    With the litre of water was that in or out?

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