bunch o lard arsed slackers

Hey Bloblular Ones. What happened to Tubbies. I have been away from the net for a week or so and where are the new entries?

Did anyone go to Monday WW session and if so what did i miss?

Should we be doing the photo thing next Monday? (week 15 by my count)


2 responses to “bunch o lard arsed slackers”

  1. inger Avatar

    Actually it was a good meeting. Not many people turned up though. And Paul cleared that bread thing up which made us all feel so much better 🙂

    (oh, and I gained 700 grams. But I put this down to the fact that I changed into jeans from light crepe pants which is 1kg heavier. That’s my story anyway and I’m sticking to it)

  2. A Painful Burning Sensation Avatar
    A Painful Burning Sensation

    Yeah, that bread thing… nice euphemism for the yeast issue! 😉

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