I know what you mean Paul. This morning I put on my freshly laundered jeans and they did up easily. They had shrunk from Luke had putting them through the drier as I requested – part of the ‘keeping on track’ mentality I am trying to foster…
All day they have had that comfy ‘second skin’ feeling that is so good about your favourite (well fitting) jeans. As Jacques and I were discussing the other day, things like this mean you have more invested in not having a blow out.
I am beginning to feel completely comfortable with one serve of carbs in the evening. Also measuring out the rice and pasta when I serve it onto the plate rather then ‘guessing’.
Andrew came over last night. I cooked a 4 point dinner and we talked about the lure of the ‘golden arches’. I suggested buying lean cuisines and taking the next exit off the freeway. Any other suggestions?
I feel really good about this week, I hope I don’t get a smack down……
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