Jeans are my friend

I know what you mean Paul. This morning I put on my freshly laundered jeans and they did up easily. They had shrunk from Luke had putting them through the drier as I requested – part of the ‘keeping on track’ mentality I am trying to foster…

All day they have had that comfy ‘second skin’ feeling that is so good about your favourite (well fitting) jeans. As Jacques and I were discussing the other day, things like this mean you have more invested in not having a blow out.

I am beginning to feel completely comfortable with one serve of carbs in the evening. Also measuring out the rice and pasta when I serve it onto the plate rather then ‘guessing’.

Andrew came over last night. I cooked a 4 point dinner and we talked about the lure of the ‘golden arches’. I suggested buying lean cuisines and taking the next exit off the freeway. Any other suggestions?

I feel really good about this week, I hope I don’t get a smack down……


One response to “Jeans are my friend”

  1. Jacques Jacques Food Shark Avatar
    Jacques Jacques Food Shark

    I think developing the self control to be able to drive past maccas is the only answer. Otherwise its all short term.
    One possibility might be to have some WW bars in the car and to start eating one just before you pass McD. This might help.

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