Month: May 2004

  • Tonight!

    We learn about the wonders of WW catching up with the Atkins program, the Zone and South Beach diets. Finally, WW tells us that carbs are probably not our friends and they were wrong after all.

    I for one will be interested in the new program.


    ps. I will most likely weigh more due to excessive breakfast consumption last week whilst in Sydney. Plus although I was good at lunch and dinner, I don’t think I can make up for two days of big breakfasts. But I have a secret plan. I’ll let you see it tonight.

  • Boredom

    I’ve been reflecting on why I’ve been so bad this week. I think it comes down to eating via boredom. A couple of times I have overeaten because I have been soooo cold. Really feeling the cold this winter 🙁

  • Clodhoppers

    I am not feeling at all confident about tonight’s whey-in. Bad Thursday – Sunday inclusive is the main reason, and no opportunity to work off some of the excess.

    I am thinking that tonight might be a good time to finally bite the bullet and weigh in with shoes on. I have sneaklily been weighing my shoes over the last few weeks, and there is 0.8 kg difference between the lightest (all leather hand made jobs @ 800g) and some heavier riding boots (1.6kg).

    The pair of shoes I will go in tonight weigh 1.1kg. I figure that I weighed in last week at 96.4 (with shoes 97.5) and I am unlikely to have put on 2.5kg of weight this week, so I should be fairly safe in not bobbing back into dreaded three figure territory.

    This is a real thing for me; even allowing for the shoe factor, I’d hate to get a reading above 100 again.

  • Nasty… very nasty

    Yesterday: Uni House committee meeting. I was reasonaably good — two half glasses of whine, and probably three sandwiches cut into quarters.

    Stop work in the afternoon, so I got some exercise hooning around the city on the pushie doing some shopping.

    Got home. Temptress Cathi has a WW-approved (2pt) choc-caramel muffin.

    Went out on a hot date last night. Wine night @ UH, which was surprising on two fronts: 1. I quite enjoyed the riesling. 2. the jazz did not want to make the throw up.

    Meal was a three course affair: entree was tuna cutlet on potato: 4 points. Main was rare porterhouse (6) on grilled zucchini and egg plant (0). Dessert was this selection of cheeses, including an absolutely stunning brie (uber-mega-points), accompanied by an amazing Cab Sav (but @ $55/bottle, even though it was horn we didn’t purchase it). The other problem, other than the cheese was the rest of the whine we drank.

    Oh well. It’s reminded me about how good WW is vis-a-vis not having so much to drink. Furry tongue – yuck. Then there’s buke club tomorrow night — could be a challenge.

    Remedy: exercise over ze weekend.

    And may I just say goddamn “Transmissions” by Juno Reactor is a fine CD.

  • my bad

    I was listening to the radio this morning and heard bits of an interview with the guy who did the film ‘supersize me!’ about macca’s which I think Paul mentioned ages ago. The website is here.

    It will be out on June 12th. We should *definately* all go don’t you reckon?

    Good call on the exercise thing ajv – I have been making a concious effort to walk to and from the station this week. I am noticing the difference in how I feel more then anything else.

    ok, I had a ‘crunch’ bar today (while under the crunch for my masters pres). It was 45g’s of rather average chocolate, but it hit the spot for that *have to have chocolate* moment and seemed to be the least evil choice in the machine upstairs. Does anyone know how many points it is?

    And I had Indian last night, I tried to mitigate the damage by having a small portion and passed on the rice/samosas/naan bread/chutney etc.

    As Jacques points out – each ‘sin’ wipes out at least 3 ‘goods’ – so I will have to walk hard for the rest of the week and not have any more lazy food….

  • Dance Dance Revolution

    Dance Dance Revolution as a weight loss measure:

    Story on Yahoo News

    Website for same:
    Get up move


  • No more excuses

    Here I am in Sydney in an office with a beautiful view.

    I randomly chose my hotel like I normally do as I almost always get it wrong, and end up being a million miles away from my client’s site, but not far enough away to get a cab or a train. However, this time, I managed to pick a hotel right across the road. I literally walk 20 meters to get to my client.

    I realised that not only am I slack, but also my subconcious is too.

    I was talking to a guy today who is helping me on my project. He has lost 22 kg in the last 14 weeks by exercising at the gym five days a week, and using Light and Easy pre-packaged meals.

    I have to up the ante on my exercise, or I’m just wasting my time.



  • Totally rooted

    Well, I think I am stuffed this week as far as weigh in is concerned. Came down with a cold on Thursday, got big carb’n’fat cravings (as I am wont to do when I have a cold), and figured what the hell, you are best to feed a cold (and starve a fever).

    Eati ng badness continued until Saturday evening. Then yesterday, I slept most of the morning, and woke up sans voice. Still feeling whacked out, but I needed to come in to work today, if, for nothing else, get the latest instalment of The Human Dynamo, live to my inbox.

    However, in Pur Points, I have come across the best cheesy bacon slice kind of thing @ 2 pts each. Yum.

    Enough rambling. See you tonight, although if the voice gives out again, we might be communicating via sign language.