I am not feeling at all confident about tonight’s whey-in. Bad Thursday – Sunday inclusive is the main reason, and no opportunity to work off some of the excess.
I am thinking that tonight might be a good time to finally bite the bullet and weigh in with shoes on. I have sneaklily been weighing my shoes over the last few weeks, and there is 0.8 kg difference between the lightest (all leather hand made jobs @ 800g) and some heavier riding boots (1.6kg).
The pair of shoes I will go in tonight weigh 1.1kg. I figure that I weighed in last week at 96.4 (with shoes 97.5) and I am unlikely to have put on 2.5kg of weight this week, so I should be fairly safe in not bobbing back into dreaded three figure territory.
This is a real thing for me; even allowing for the shoe factor, I’d hate to get a reading above 100 again.
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