freaking WW is going to cost me $$$

I got up this morning and decided to put on a new pair of jeans so i grabbed a pair and then went to walk across my room to get a belt. I took three steps and the jeans slipped down past my waist to around my knees. Obviously I am now going to have to go shopping for new tighter jeans lest i be arrested for flashing (which isnt a big problem because its usually dismissed due to lack of evidence).

Anyone know where i can get some good but reasonably cheap jeans?

Ps i am an obsessive shopper but not a compulsive one. 🙂


3 responses to “freaking WW is going to cost me $$$”

  1. inger Avatar

    jeans west. 2 pair for 120 dollar. bargin!

  2. Andrew Avatar

    I got some great pants from Target for $24 the other day. Comfy, roomy, good looking and warm.


  3. A Painful Burning Sensation Avatar
    A Painful Burning Sensation

    I picked up 2 for $110 from Jeans West a few weeks back; definitely the best buy as far as gnu jeans go.

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