Further to pauls weekend

Further to Pauls post on weekend blow outs. I am rapidly becoming convinced that I am on a binge and purge cycle (if i maaaay call it that). I tend to have one week where for whatever reason i am ‘good’ and get a good result on the scales and then i have a week where once again for whatever reason I am ‘bad’ and i tend to have a negative or at best neutral result on the scales.

Does anyone else have the same experience?

I wish i was weighing in tomorrow as i am donating blood at lunchtime. donating a pint or 2 has to cause some weight loss.


One response to “Further to pauls weekend”

  1. A Painful Burning Sensation Avatar
    A Painful Burning Sensation

    I find that it is an issue of consistency more than anythng else. The weeks when I can string together six or seven very good days lead to substantial loss. The weeks where I have three good days, a bad day, then three more good days lead to pretty good loss. The weeks where I have one day good, one day bad, one good, bad, etc lead to no loss or gain.

    Cathi and I were talking about it on the weekend, especial re the blow out on TPTCTF. We figure that one blowout every 6 weeks or so should barely register if you are good for pretty much the rest of the time… but maybe that is optimistic?

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