Woojae’s IMPOSSIBLE iPod Challenge of DEATH!
Delights like this await (but you have to explore!):

They’re just like us, but well, fruitier. For example:
“I think I am becoming an anorexic woman. I went to Costco the other day and I bought some stuff. I got some gum, energy bars and a tub of vodka. Kelly said, “Sal’ you’re becoming an anorexic woman!” I looked in my cart and knew it was true. In fact, now that I think about it all the women I know have my exact same eating habits. And every time I’ve been shopping with a skinny woman she bought three things: gum, alcohol, and energy bars. I thought I might be going crazy, so I asked my friends if they thought I was becoming a woman. I told them what I bought at Costco. They weren’t surprised and thought my purchases were normal. I was relived until I realized that they were all girls. The only difference between their usual purchases at Costco and mine was that they bought a fourth item: Tampons. I was in the dining hall tonight and this girl I was eating with looked at my dinner of Raw Broccoli and soup and said, “Sal.. you are and anorexic woman.” I was depressed. I think I’m going to have to eat a steak or cheeseburger soon to make some testosterone. Even if it doesn’t do that, at least it it will make me feel like a man.”
Lastly, what link post would be complete without:
Supersize me!
ps. Had a bad day. But for a bad day, it’s been a good one!