Small obstacles

Hey Inger I know what you mean about small obstacles, etc.

I personally don’t find food issues to be too much of an obstacle: with the exception of TPTCTF I am reasonably good at resisting anything which is unacceptable (OK, and Cathi’s mud cake too 😉

What is killing me is the exercise issue. I am only sporadically making it to Kung Fu training, which is actually causing me quite some heartache, as it is the only regular form of exercise I get. I have set myself what I think to be relatively modest goal of three sessions a fortnight (in theory every Tuesday night, and every second Saturday). So far I have made just one in the last fortnight.

The nature of work here is such that when a case comes up I am basically fucked as far as any outside activity is concerned. I spent some time this morning going back through old cases, and these are the numbers for the days of the week when the complaints come in:

M: 18%
T: 28%
W: 15%
T: 19%
F: 10%
S: 7%
S: 4%

(rounded figures) and I find that nearly half the cases come in on either a Tues or a Thurs, which also happens to be KF training nights. Argh! Flippin’ ‘eck!

Sorry for ranting, but this is giving me the shits 🙁

Of course, there is the odd other, non-work thing (eg Cathi getting called in for ET on a Tues night) which is just unavoidable.

So, what to do? How do we turn these little things, each of their own in isolation nowt to worry aboot, but in total a real problem, into a non-problem? Good question — wish I knew the answer. ANy Ideas?


4 responses to “Small obstacles”

  1. Jacques Jacques Food Shark Avatar
    Jacques Jacques Food Shark

    Hey Paul
    Isnt bike riding exercise? Riding to WW every week is a reasonable ride.

  2. Jacques "Calorie Amusement Park" Kosky Avatar
    Jacques “Calorie Amusement Park” Kosky

    Hey Paul
    (in my best Hulk Hogan voice)
    Thats so sad, Brother i feel your pain!

    (Jacques in type 1 mode)

    You work at a university which has yoga and other classes at lunch, a gymnasium, a running track, a swimming pool and probably more exercise options than the rest of us get to see. Stop bleating about what you cannot do and start looking at what you can?

    (Jacques in Type 2 mode)

    Smack Lumpkin everytime you walk past him. That will solve stress and lack of exercise.

    (Jacques in Type 3 mode)

    ps. Dont even ask about type 4! Its ok to just remain friends!

  3. A Painful Burning Sensation Avatar
    A Painful Burning Sensation

    The ride to WW is not that much of exercise… it’s < 20 minutes, and with the weight I’ve lost I barely work up a sweat getting there now.

    As for the myriad lunchtime options available; erm, lunchtime? Two lunchtimes I have to take Charlotte home (half daze at day care), and there is now a nasty culture creeeping in here of lunchtime meetings.

    I tried swimming at lunchtime once earlier in the year, but the new pool was just way too crowded for my liking and (lack of) ability.

  4. inger Avatar

    And exercise at lunchtime is just not a deal for me – unless you count walking up the stairs at the QV for strawberries and chocolate at lunchtime on wednesdays… 😉

    But really, it is a whole lot of little things. I am encouraged that I didn’t put on any weight this week. I hope that a bit of better management of lunch and snacks will hold me steady over the next 3 weeks until I get this deadline out of the way…

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