Hey Inger I know what you mean about small obstacles, etc.
I personally don’t find food issues to be too much of an obstacle: with the exception of TPTCTF I am reasonably good at resisting anything which is unacceptable (OK, and Cathi’s mud cake too 😉
What is killing me is the exercise issue. I am only sporadically making it to Kung Fu training, which is actually causing me quite some heartache, as it is the only regular form of exercise I get. I have set myself what I think to be relatively modest goal of three sessions a fortnight (in theory every Tuesday night, and every second Saturday). So far I have made just one in the last fortnight.
The nature of work here is such that when a case comes up I am basically fucked as far as any outside activity is concerned. I spent some time this morning going back through old cases, and these are the numbers for the days of the week when the complaints come in:
M: 18%
T: 28%
W: 15%
T: 19%
F: 10%
S: 7%
S: 4%
(rounded figures) and I find that nearly half the cases come in on either a Tues or a Thurs, which also happens to be KF training nights. Argh! Flippin’ ‘eck!
Sorry for ranting, but this is giving me the shits 🙁
Of course, there is the odd other, non-work thing (eg Cathi getting called in for ET on a Tues night) which is just unavoidable.
So, what to do? How do we turn these little things, each of their own in isolation nowt to worry aboot, but in total a real problem, into a non-problem? Good question — wish I knew the answer. ANy Ideas?
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