Well, I think I am stuffed this week as far as weigh in is concerned. Came down with a cold on Thursday, got big carb’n’fat cravings (as I am wont to do when I have a cold), and figured what the hell, you are best to feed a cold (and starve a fever).
Eati ng badness continued until Saturday evening. Then yesterday, I slept most of the morning, and woke up sans voice. Still feeling whacked out, but I needed to come in to work today, if, for nothing else, get the latest instalment of The Human Dynamo, live to my inbox.
However, in Pur Points, I have come across the best cheesy bacon slice kind of thing @ 2 pts each. Yum.
Enough rambling. See you tonight, although if the voice gives out again, we might be communicating via sign language.
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