Totally rooted

Well, I think I am stuffed this week as far as weigh in is concerned. Came down with a cold on Thursday, got big carb’n’fat cravings (as I am wont to do when I have a cold), and figured what the hell, you are best to feed a cold (and starve a fever).

Eati ng badness continued until Saturday evening. Then yesterday, I slept most of the morning, and woke up sans voice. Still feeling whacked out, but I needed to come in to work today, if, for nothing else, get the latest instalment of The Human Dynamo, live to my inbox.

However, in Pur Points, I have come across the best cheesy bacon slice kind of thing @ 2 pts each. Yum.

Enough rambling. See you tonight, although if the voice gives out again, we might be communicating via sign language.


One response to “Totally rooted”

  1. Jacques "Calorie Amusement Park" Kosky Avatar
    Jacques “Calorie Amusement Park” Kosky

    Yeah weigh in could be interesting. Ate some bad stuff ate some good stuff, did some exercise. It will be interesting to see how it pans out.

    Hey Paul
    I normally communicate with you by sign language although i guess if i learn auslan i will be able to use the other 4 fingers (including that funny one that works different).

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