
Help! I am starting to get really big sweet tooth urges. I’m not sure why it would start ~ 5 months into the program, but I am having great difficulty walking past, for eg, the lolly stand at the newsagency in the student union. I have managed to resist so far, but I can feel the will weakening.

Is it a function fo the colder weather? Any tips? I’m starting to sweat like a junkie needing their next hit whenever I walk past… large jaffas… TPTCTF… argh!


2 responses to “Help!”

  1. Jacques "Calorie Amusement Park" Kosky Avatar
    Jacques “Calorie Amusement Park” Kosky

    Yeah I have been noticing that a bit. When i am need of white powder these days its wizz fizz not speed.

    I think it is ok to indulge as long as you only have a few. On the picket line the other day i had 2 fantales and a couple of jelly snakes and while it was a minor ‘sin’ it was enough. Why not go and buy one large jaffa ball or use one of those cheaparse lolly vending machines like they have outside supermarkets? Get yourself one of those lucky dips as well.

  2. A Painful Burning Sensation Avatar
    A Painful Burning Sensation

    I have kind of solved this problem:

    (a) started bringing in the WW chocky bars again to work;
    (b) the WW self-saucing puddings are sensational, and only 2 pts a serve.

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