
So what did everyone think about the ‘new’ program?

I am looking at the meat fest we called Steamboat bookclub had at my place in a whole new light. BY WW standards it was a correct protein heavy minimal carbs meal.


3 responses to “Protein”

  1. Andrew Purple People Eater Avatar
    Andrew Purple People Eater

    I think it was about all we could expect. It was a shame that they didn’t have more details on low GI foods as I bet most people don’t know one if it bit them on the bum.

    Low GI foods are essentially whole unprocessed grains…

    Good = basmati rice. Bad = normal rice
    Good = rye. Okay = wholegrain multigrain. Bad = white and crusty rolls
    Okay = sweet potato. Bad = normal potatoes

    That sort of info is essential when you’re doing a high protein, low carb diet.


  2. Jacques Jacques Food Shark Avatar
    Jacques Jacques Food Shark

    I gues Marti/WW know what they know (WW program) and little else?

  3. A Painful Burning Sensation Avatar
    A Painful Burning Sensation

    I think (with reference to J’s comment above) that the WW people are caught between a rock and a hard place.

    Let’s face it; the program is dumbed down to a points system that is easy to understand (at least for the primary demographic of WW). Start including stuff about fast and slow sugars, and you’ll instantly lose half of your revenue stream, based on demographic.

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