OWASP EU – Day -1, the free day

I got up nice and early again. 6.30 am. So so wrong. Alien Andrew has landed and it’s freaky time again.

After breakfast, I retired to my room to work on my slides. Good move! They look great now.

After lunch in my room, I felt a bit tired, so took a nap. Awesome sleep. Woke up just before I had to go out for dinner with Dave Wichers and a few others.

We moved to The Troubadour and had a nice meal, followed by a trip to a nearby square and some more beer. Beeer! Around 11.30 pm I retired into the rain, and walked in the wrong direction. Leuven is a little town, so the cabs were hard to find. By the time I got one, I was thoroughly wet and cold.

Got back to the hotel room – sore feet and wet and tired. Went to sleep straight away. Fantastic, productive day with friends, food and beer.


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