OWASP EU – Travel (MEL -> LHR so far, roughly 16000 km and 24 hours)

I’m sitting in London Heathrow after a monumental flight. It’s so wrong. Even in business class there’s no avoiding the fact that it’s a long time to sit down. And as many of you know, I love a good sit down.

After flying in business class to Europe for the first time, it’s definitely 1000% better than being in cattle class. The (hardish) seat folded down nearly flatly, or would have if it wasn’t designed for small women and children. My shoulders hit the sides of the capsule when my feet fit under the capsule in front of me. Now I know I’m a bit on the round side, but I doubt my shoulder girth will change if I ever become svelte. I’m not going to be less than 180 cm any time soon, so these seats need a little fine tuning. Even if the capsules had a soft side, it would be acceptable.

After exhaustion set in, I took sleep where I could, and I must say I’m feeling much more awake and less tired than even the last time I travelled to Las Vegas.

The flight was fun – we flew over many countries I’ve never set foot in – China, Tibet, bits of Nepal with the Himalayas in the distance with a fine dusting of snow, Russia (seemingly forever!) including flying near St Petersberg, Latvia (Riga), Ukraine, Finland, Denmark, Holland, Belgium (… I’ve been to those last two!). Unfortunately, although we flew during the day, it was clouds all the way from China through to landing with only a break or two when I bothered to open the blind.

Landing in England brings back memories. Obviously, they laid the best English late spring weather on for us, with being 16 C and rainy. It was 17 C, sunny and fine on the day I left Melbourne, and that’s three days shy of winter proper. It’s going to be amusing if the weather doesn’t clear up in Belgium for the conference.

I’m not feeling very hygienic right now – could definitely use a shower. Unfortunately, the little airline (BMI) I’m travelling on for my next leg doesn’t have a shower in their “Business” class lounge, so that will have to wait until I get to the hotel in a few hours.

At least I’m having a good time with roaming and wireless networks. Have SMS from the fiancée (yay team!) and knowing that my cats are well and likely to get good tummy rubs whilst I’m away is all good.


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