Munich – Saturday (Deutsches Museum)

We got up, had breakfast, and walked to the Deutsches Museum.

Unlike any other museum, this is a geek museum. It’s like geek heaven there. Except there’s so much to see and that entails a lot of walking. They have feet massagers, but they take 50 c coins, and I haven’t acquired any of those yet, only heaps of 20 euro cents.

The first thing we checked out was the high energy lab, and that was amazing. Lots of noise, sparks and high energy!

We took in (not nearly exhaustive to describe it!):

  • High energy lab
  • Planes, and lots of them!
  • Planetarium
  • Rockets, rockets, rockets!!!!!! And more rockets!
  • Chemistry … no explosions, doh!
  • Space exploration (astronautics)
  • Measurements and time
  • A temporary exhibition on German progress
  • Walked through the agricultural area, but checked out a complete house they’d reconstructed
  • A cave about neolithic art work. It was dark.
  • Nuclear physics and other physics
  • Paper and printing (look at real leading and type!)
  • Musical instruments (nearly missed out on this one, but it was awesome!)
  • Techno Toys – looking at all these early proto-legos from the late 19th century and early 20th century

Check out the gallery of stuff here:

After the techno toys, my feet were killing me, so we headed back to Steve’s place. We geeked out there for about an hour and watched a Coupling episode. I’d forgotten how cool that show is – I’ve only seen the one episode until then. Will need to get the DVDs when I get back to Australia.

We had dinner at the Mexican restaurant near Steve’s friend Andi’s place. It was really good, particularly the half price Margaritas. Again, no Visa, and the prices at most European places are in ouchy land territory for earners in $AUD. At this stage, I’m nearly out of cash again. Need to find an ATM on Monday to deal with this if I run out of Steve’s hoard of cash (we’re trading at the correct rate, so he doesn’t need to be done over when he comes to Australia).

Sloshed our way back to his place. Even at 10 pm, the public transport doesn’t take long, despite needing to change trains (and system) three times. You simply couldn’t rely on public transport in Melbourne to do this.

We watched a few episodes of Coupling and I hit the sack.


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