Not a well chappie

I’ve got more stuff to go up here, but I’m not feeling very well.

On Sunday night in Steve’s flat in Munich, I felt a bit lightheaded after some decent wine and grappa. I put it down to that. I woke the next morning feeling very hot and flushed. I thought, bugger, what a hang over! I knew I needed some drugs, but it was a public holiday in Germany on Monday and every pharmacy I could see was shut. When we got to the airport, the pharmacy was on the inside, but no dice there either – they were shut.

When I got to Singapore, it was too short a stop over to try and get some drugs and plus, I didn’t want an ear temperature test keeping me in Singapore until they worked out what it is I have.

However, upon returning to Australia I was feeling less than stellar, so I went to bed, thinking I’ll sleep it off. Not being shy of the GP, my lovely financée rang and was directed by my GP to make myself available at my local hospital’s emergency department at the earliest opportunity. Which is exactly what my financée and her mum did. I was groggy from the long flight and tired. They woke me up, drove me there, and we waited. And waited. and waited. I could have done with that sleep! Eventually, the drugs she plied me with kicked in, and we decided to head back to the GP, even though he was treating me like a leper who also had avian bird flu.

A quick two minute exam – bronchitis. A short course of antibiotics, no alkyhol, and rest. Which is exactly what I feel like and have been doing. Except I should be at work today, and I should have been back in my own time zone. It’s 2.20 am, and I feel … well … up. Tired, crappy, and up.

I’ll try staring at the bedroom ceiling and see if it helps.


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