Blackhat Day 1

“TBA” – David Litchfield

David did a talk on the problems with Informix. Awesome talk, and shows that all database servers are vulnerable. He totally 0wned his server in a set of well rehearsed demos.

I don’t use Informix so it wasn’t that useful to me, but a take home message is total props to IBM for solving these problems. Oracle can learn a few things from IBM on how to listen to professional security researchers, and fix stuff in a reasonable time frame.

“How to Unwrap Oracle PL/SQL”
Pete Finnigan

Pete went through the basics of figuring out how to unwrap (decode) PL/SQL. I’ve just finished doing a major PL/SQL code review, and I was hoping it was about how to do good code reviews of this language. It turns out that some folks encode their PL/SQL (which is essentially Ada with some extensions) to obfuscate the source. We don’t do that, so I found this stuff pretty dull. However, I’ll keep it filed away in case we get some third party code which has been “wrapped”.

Wrapping is an encoded form of DIANA. Pete showed how to decode this representation from the raw bytes stashed by Oracle. He also had some unkind words for the tools which supposedly decode this stuff today.

Lastly, 10g went backwards. They don’t use this method, instead favoring just base64 encoding. That’s cool, as it makes it easier to decode stuff in 10g.

Oracle Rootkits 2.0: The Next Generation
Alexander Kornbrust

Awesome talk. More when I have time to get my thoughts together. Take home point: take the time to secure your database servers, and isolate them.

Hallway track

So awesome to be here and meet the folks who do the research. I met a bunch of really smart folks and did a bit of an interview. If it comes out, I will update this entry.


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