Research time

A few weeks ago, the announcement of the PDF hole made it clear that the age of stupid XSS vulnerabilities is still with us. Is it time for me to surf in a read only sandbox? XSS is so old school, and yet so damaging. It is so SIMPLE to prevent, but so HARD to stamp out. I was disheartened.

But then today rolled around.

We had a board meeting tonight and I’m excited with what we have planned, and it’s re-invigorated me tremendously. It’s a very exciting time to be in the midst of the OWASP community right now.

I hereby declare 2007 the year of pro-active webappsec research. Not looking for or researching new vulnerabilities, but researching and developing long term effective methods to close down common holes which plague browsers and common frameworks. It’s time to kick XSS, CSRF, injections of all types in the slats and make it impossible for folks to say “well, I didn’t know” or “that’s too hard / costly / time consuming”.

We have a range of projects we’re doing this year, and I will make it my task to ensure that OWASP builds the knowledge, tools, patches, and so on to eliminate wide swathes of wepappsec retrobugs. Let’s see how I go in 345 days or so.


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