We’ve moved to the USA and we’re nearly settled in now. Only 13 boxes to unpack… which is funny as we shipped 13 boxes.
Unfortunately, we’ve had a bit of a illness closeout to 2006, and if anything, we’d like to say “sayonara” to 2006 with a vengeance.
Just after arriving, Tanya ended up with reactive arthritis. After nearly a month of painful days, drugs which make her ill, and with a lot of tender loving care, she was finally getting better. We had almost a day where she could walk without crutches and do stuff without being nauseous or tired.
However, we bumped into each other whilst pottering around in the bedroom, and in the jostle her nose broke again. To top it off, I got a bad cold the following day just as we needed to buy a car (I’ll blog about this later). Now I’ve given the cold to her. I can’t imagine how painful blowing a broken nose is.
We’ve had some really good times here since moving – we were invited to several Christmas parties, offers which we took up. Tanya came to two of them, but unfortunately, had to give Diann’s Christmas party a miss due to her illness, and we had to leave early at the Wichers. Despite the health issues, we’re settling in nicely.
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