Good riddance to bad rubbish

One of the worst self-serving, money grubbing ($200m a year), homophobic, Teletubby hating (seriously!), hypocrites on the planet has died.

Jerry Falwell dead at 73

This venal black heart tried to blame 9/11 on pagans, feminists and the (at least) 50% of the population who happen not to share his particularly hateful religionpolitics. He hid his bigotry behind his “religion”, the last bastion of the weak minded social deadbeats. Voters from the other camp are not the enemy. Falwell forgot that in his desire to grasp power for himself. He coveted others’ happiness and only wished that folks not in his personal “in group” had an awful time. And you know what? He failed.

What would Jesus think? If the New Testament is true as Falwell hopes, he will have a long soak in Hell.

His hate mongering fanaticism will not be missed. My only wish is that the media would stop publicizing his passing. Good riddance to bad rubbish – may he be forgotten quickly and his legacy of divisive hatred healed within a few years of his death.


One response to “Good riddance to bad rubbish”

  1. Big Red Avatar

    You said: “What would Jesus think?”

    I recently read a book about the history of the alphabet. It said that, contrary to popular imagery, Jesus was most likely short and swarthy, rather than tall and white. Instead of God making man in his own image, perhaps Man made God in his image? (If so, what does that mean Xenu looks like? Probably short, but not swarthy.)

    I found this idea of a short, swarthy, Jesus fascinating. I ended up thinking of those evolutionary diagrams with the apes leading to homo erectus, and wondering if Jesus slotted into the vacant gap left by Piltdown Man.

    I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

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