Well, I was watching this new show called “The Big Bang Theory” last night (on Tivo-To-Go at the hospital, but that’s for another blog entry another time). It’s written by Chuck Lorre who has done a lot of great comedy, including Two and a Half Men. I quite liked it, as what’s not to love?
- Cosmologically-correct lyrics in the opening titles – sure to annoy literal evangelicals YAY!
- String theory jokes, using the actual differences between the various string theory camps as the punchline
- Actual WoW game as a come-on … as in, let’s play WoW together … in different rooms … so I can get in your pants … somehow
I never thought I’d hear jokes like this ever on prime time TV sitcoms – let alone from the country that watches Britney Spears’ every move as if it’s actually important (hint: it’s not important).What I didn’t like. The stereotypes are really old. The guy with the 60’s hair – never met him. The two guys who play Klingon Boggle. I’ve been geeky since whenever and I’ve never seen this, but maybe I’m not l33t enough in the Trekkie circles. One dimensional geeks. Sure there’s some folks who are Aspergers or borderline so, but most geeks are into a very wide variety of things, and not just intellectual pursuits and Babylon Five. I give it thirteen episodes before it’s canned. This show is far too cerebral and cliquey for the show biz types to go “I haven’t understood a single joke”. It’ll be a shame, as it’s the first US sitcom I’ve ever seen that doesn’t talk down to its audience. For that, you need to see Beauty and the Geek. I’m scared, very scared when I watch that show.
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