OWASP / WASC AppSec 2007

It’s that time of the year again! Time to register for the OWASP / WASC AppSec 2007 Conference.

This is the conference track I dream about when I cry to myself re: lack of web application security in other security conferences. Awesome speakers, the Breach cocktail party (register now! Breach’s OWASP / WASC party at Blackhat’s was awesome).

I believe we are still looking for sponsors, so if you have a lead there, mail conferences ‘at’ owasp.org.

I really appreciate the WASC folks for taking a chance on collaborating with us at OWASP. With their help on the ground and on the papers committee, I think this will be one of the best appsec conferences ever! I hope to be there, but as my wife is nearly due, I may not get a leave pass from the Minister of War and Finance.


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