Pizza. Check. Violet Crumble. Check. Biggest Loser. Check! All systems go!

I don’t know why I do it, but I invariably wobble on diets on Tuesdays. So I’m doing the only thing I can – I watched the Biggest Loser with a few slices of Hawaiian pizza, a diet Pepsi, and a Violet Crumble to wash things down to get a bit of a sugar rush later.

I’m down from 155.1 (last Tuesday) to 153.5 (last Saturday). Which is 1.6 kg. Which is 1% of my body weight. Sweet.

Been a good boy except for tonight, so with some luck, I will not bounce back too much this coming Saturday from the pig out session.

The folks on Biggest Loser are doing much better than I am – one guy made 100 lbs tonight, which is 45.5 kg in either 9 or 12 weeks (it’s not clear from the program as they wobble themselves on timelines). That really can’t be healthy, so I prefer my 1% body fat loss. If I keep that up, I’ll be truly svelte in 2009 or thereabouts.


One response to “Pizza. Check. Violet Crumble. Check. Biggest Loser. Check! All systems go!”

  1. I, too, have a beard Avatar

    Hey Noddy,

    Here’s something to be aware of in your consumption of foodstuffs:

    The Wing Commander

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