Best. Daughter. Ever.

We took Mackenzie to the pediatricians today. She did real well – even the vaccinations she only screamed for a few minutes. 

Here’s a few very recent photos for you!

  • The first image is her sitting. By herself. At 3 and 3/4 months.
  • The second image is her out on the porch wearing her snazzy new sunnies from Rebecca.
  • The third image is her holding her own full bottle and drinking away without that much help. She’s been able to do this for a while, but we’ve not always had the camera to prove it
For those who follow such things, she’s at the 75% percentile for height (62.5 cm tall or 1.25 rods), at the 95% percentile for weight (7.46 kg or 0.51 slugs), and around 75th percentile for head circumference (41.9 cm or 0.02 chains). 


4 responses to “Best. Daughter. Ever.”

  1. Steve Christey Avatar
    Steve Christey

    Congratulations! Glad she’s doing well. See you at AusCERT?

  2. Brother Marcus Avatar
    Brother Marcus

    Hey Noddy, how’s the weight loss going. I re-joined the Cult in spirit, and am down a shade under 2kg after the first week (was heading towards 2.5, but I had a couple of beers on Saturday night). Ultimately need to knock of 10kg to regain goal, but am looking at getting rid of 15 in total by year’s end.

  3. Jan Z Avatar

    Nice Pics…. No more?

  4. vanderaj Avatar


    Good to hear from you!

    Tanya is the official record keeper. She maintains the blog (sort of!), photos and videos. Check out her site for more recent developments.

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