We took Mackenzie to the pediatricians today. She did real well – even the vaccinations she only screamed for a few minutes.
Here’s a few very recent photos for you!
- The first image is her sitting. By herself. At 3 and 3/4 months.
- The second image is her out on the porch wearing her snazzy new sunnies from Rebecca.
- The third image is her holding her own full bottle and drinking away without that much help. She’s been able to do this for a while, but we’ve not always had the camera to prove it
For those who follow such things, she’s at the 75% percentile for height (62.5 cm tall or 1.25 rods), at the 95% percentile for weight (7.46 kg or 0.51 slugs), and around 75th percentile for head circumference (41.9 cm or 0.02 chains).
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