I’m currently in Colorado Springs doing some training for a customer.
The flight in was long – nearly 12 hours all up from the east coast, all told including delays and running to make my little rubber band plane connection. It takes only another 15 hours to make it to Australia. The puddle jumper was funny – as soon as we had finished climbing out of Denver, the hostie announced we had commenced our descent into Colorado Springs.
It was surprisingly cold. I suppose the wind and snow should have alerted me, but the last time I was here in late August / early September, it was over 30C every day.
I love coming here. Not only do we have a family friend (Hi Michelle! Hi Justine!) who lives here, the scenery includes Pike’s Peak dusted in snow outside my bedroom window every morning. You just can’t beat that.
I don’t think I could live here, though. I’m used to fast paced life, and things move at a leisurely pace, commensurate with Colorado Springs’ diminutive size.
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